We need you!
Membership in the Green Party is a statement in support of Green values. If you want to promote climate crisis mitigation, halt biodiversity loss, support a sustainable economy, invest in education, and care for the most vulnerable in Finland, you can influence these issues by being a member of the party.
The Greens statement of principles 2020–2028
The Greens are changing the world to help ensure that life on Earth can flourish
The Greens’ statement of principles is designed to envision the kind of world we want to achieve, and how this can be done. It presents the core values and principles that guide the Greens’ political decision-making and action at all levels. The political target programme and other party programmes contain more detail than the principles set out here.

Join us
By joining the Greens, you take a stand on world affairs. With your membership fee, you support our work for a better world.
As a member, you can take part in changing the world: defending human rights, fighting the climate and environment crisis and giving a voice to vulnerable groups in our society.
Most of the work for the environment, equality, education and a sustainable future, is done between elections. We are not just a political party, we are a movement, and our members make the movement strong. You are welcome to join us in action!
The normal membership fee is €48 and the reduced fee for students, the unemployed, retired persons and anyone otherwise financially less advantaged is €18.